Category Archives: nuket

My beloved books

My beloved books

I was recently asked if being an author has lived up to my expectations and dreams. That’s the question, why I started writing books in the first place. I wanted to talk about my son’s Asperger’s syndrome, so that I could help other parents in a similar situation, and at the same time I wanted to make the syndrome known and gain understanding for parents of children. I wanted a better working life and an understanding of people. I wrote stories where things happened in an emphasized strange way. I thought multi-layered fiction would make people think.

I wrote the Matkalle book during work and vacation trips. There was plenty of time to write during flights and airports. This is how the stories take place in different countries and unexpected or other changes will occur in human relationships. In short stories, I tried to picture of different people. which have their own way of working. My idea was to make people understand other people.

When I was at the book fair, a poetry teacher was selling books next to me. I recalled how in the writing class, the teacher said, I have a poem there and there. I made them by accident. I recalled how at the poetry evening I was asked again and again to read my poems. I remembered how my friend said she still remembers the poem I read. I decided to make my first book of poems: Poems about working life and other life.

I have received a lot of feedback from my readers. Some people have read the book “Under Glass: A life with Asperger Syndrome” many times. Mothers identify with the book and its son. I got publicity on television and in periodicals. When I was on a course at the University of Manchester, I gave the teachers the Asperger book as a gift. The professors read it in the corridors and some were afraid they would be left without the book. The book suddenly became very valuable and they almost fought over the books. The Chinese version of the book has received a lot of positive feedback from the Chinese.

I was asked to write blogs about leadership in magazines and promote my book Stories of Leaders. Many have asked if I write about true life. But they are fiction. However, in real life I have experienced the same things as I have written in my book. It feels strange. Many say that they have met some bosses of the book. Some people start telling their own work experiences or their husband’s experiences about how bad management has been at work. The professor of management was overjoyed about the short stories and said that the research will examine stories similar to the ones in the book.

The cover of Matkalla book shows sailing on a pink heart boat. On the road, we are in the book all the time, but more happens in the short stories because of the differences between people. It was challenging to write the stories in order to get an authentic atmosphere from each target country. The book has led to discussions with some readers about travel. Weddings and honeymoons are demanding interpersonal decisions, and you don’t always get even that far and there will be sadness and suppression of emotions. Sometimes it’s hard to choose and easier to get stuck in the familiar or forcefully move forward; sometimes with the greatest sacrifices. Sometimes human relationships bring security, but in stories, often on the contrary, they bring danger. Sometimes one lives a Double Life or otherwise deceives the other. The past is remembered or even the present is hated. It is better not to tell more about the stories without revealing the plot.

My poetic vein got up to speed in my book “Poems from working life and other life”. There has been positive feedback about this book and I have heard people read my poems aloud. How does that feel about self-disclosure. In poems, you can’t hide behind a lot of words.

f I could go back to the moment when I first dreamed of publishing my own book, how would I advise myself? I do not know. I like these books and I have a unique way of writing that cannot be copied.

What I dreamed of from the beginning. The books haven’t sold as much as I thought. The feedback has been as I thought. They ask, am I making or planning a new book? Yes, the next book will probably be a collection of short stories and I feel like writing many more books after that.









Greenbutton’s Easter blog

Greenbutton’s Easter blog

Easter is knocking on the door this year as well. We are excited about the moving Easter, on which dates it will be set every year. Namely, we were born in April and we remember miserable birthdays on Good Friday; the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This time our birthday is gloriously on Easter Sunday; on the day of resurrection.

There are many other things associated with Easter, such as chicks and eggs and willow cats. Sisu figurines are enthusiastic party people and they are like that at Easter too. The yellow Easter Sisus have feathers, as shown in the picture. Sisu dolls sit in a cup made of Sisusavi® with eggs made of Sisusavi.

Yellow is the color of Easter. We noticed that the yellow necklaces were sold out and we needed to make more yellow jewelry. We used cadmium yellow as the color, but of course not cadmium itself, but a color copy made of safe substances. Mannequin doll with a head made of Sisusavi®. put on the yellow jewelry. The bracelet fits her slender neck.

A miracle happened and we were surprised

We have been interviewed in a magazine and there is an article about the light Sisusavi® material coming soon. After the interview, I put one cup made of Sisusavi® in the Miele dishwasher. We put in a normal washing tablet and chose the 65 C program, which lasted 55 minutes. We were excited and afraid, because the development of the cup is just at the beginning and the industrial production of the cup will certainly make the cup of better quality. However, a miracle happened and the cup survived the dishwasher.

Art exhibition in Helsinki 5.5. – 21.5.

At the moment we are mostly working for the art exhibition at Gallery Ars Longa, Annankatu 12. The opening is 4.5. at 5 p.m., everyone is welcome!

The art gallery exhibits many never-before-seen paintings with new insights. We have come up with lampshades for the window and ceiling of the Gallery. The picture shows the wings, which were made from the cardboard tags of tea bags to paint them in different colors.

We went to Kiasma and saw Mia Parika’s wooden statues. We noticed an armless girl who had been split in half. The statue showed the characteristic cracking of wood when drying. We got the idea to test Sisusavi® to see if it behaves like wood. We made a smaller doll. We first made the legs and dried them in the microwave so that they hardened a little. Then we made the middle part of the statue and dried it in the microwave as well. We glued the legs and the middle part to each other and produced the head. We also dried it in the microwave first and then glued it to the middle part. The doll is seen in the picture, and without any split.

Order from France

There have been orders for jewelry and the latest order is from France. We sent the earrings there and fortunately we were able to send them in a letter. Sending larger products by post costs a lot in relation to the price of the products. In addition to France, some jewelry and Sisu figurines have been ordered for the United States, Canada, Germany, Italy and Belgium. Of course, the most orders have been to Finland.

Happy Easter everyone!

Cellulose can also be used in food. Tasty moments at Easter tables!

Saila Seppo’s Art exhibition until May 8, 2022

People experience the environment around them all the time. When you go for a walk in the woods or the park, you will see nature wake up this spring.  There is sand from winter on the sidewalks that hisses under the shoes. Emotions are stored in memory.

Isn’t it worthwhile to focus on creativity and thinking? Greenbutton is a house of doing and thinking. How much cerebration is needed to create something completely new?

At Saila Seppo’s colorful art exhibition at the AVA Gallery, you get to know the many properties of microcellulose. Microcellulose is not a bulk material but a high-tech product. One must know its chemistry and be able to modify it appropriately so that it suits into different products.

What is interesting is the molding compound under development, which can be shaped into pots or other round ceramic objects. It can also be used on a pottery wheel. You will get an idea, how microcellulose could be used, in Saila Seppo’s art exhibition.

Even adults long for magic. In a beautiful way, you can enter the world of magic downstairs in the exhibition. There is no crystal ball, but flowers and jewelry can be found. They shine unbelievable beautiful.

When you look in the window at the AVA Gallery, you see Sisu dolls in the window and colorful carrots and mushrooms. You step in and fall in love with the post cards. The hall has colorful expressionist paintings on the walls, the oldest 10 years old and other fresh. There is in the middle a table which tells about microcellulose and it is full up of light pottery. Next to the stairs leading down is the Sisula dollhouse, which produces fairy tales in your imagination.

You walk down the stairs and you look at the paintings. Downstairs there are photographs of Sisuland and nature on the walls. There is a basket full of different colored necklaces. A mirror is also available. Sisu figurines can be found in many forms and in many places in the Gallery. Bracelets and earrings that make the outfit beautiful. There is also a video presentation downstairs. Video link

Welco–1S1Uxgme to AVA Gallery Art Exhibition until May 8

Pohj. rautatiekatu 17 B,   open tue-fri 12-17 sat-sun 12-16

Greenbutton’s microcellulose products represent circular economy

Although nature gives some beauties of its own, our microcellulose products maximise its advantage producing bright colours integrating art, design and jewellery.  Colourful reliefs, small colourful Sisu figures, artificial colourful flowers, jewellery and dishes are all produced from microcellulose, which originate from nature. It is a joy and great pleasure to assimilate into the colourful culture. We are interested even in niche markets where we could offer high tech products.

All plants and trees consist of cellulose. Tree cellulose is mainly utilized as paper products. Cellulose fiber is actually a long fiber and its length is dependent what plant it proceeds from. Microcellulose has a very short fiber compared to normal cellulose fiber. They both contain the same cellulose molecules and nanocellulose, too. When the fiber is very short you could not any more produce paper from it. However, you get other properties, for example bringing up exceptionally bright colours, retarding fire and being processable to durable products.  Nanocellulose resembles more microcellulose than normal cellulose.

Greenbutton’s microcellulose product palette is diverse and some products are multi-purpose. For example, Greenbutton microcellulose flowers can be used for many purposes. Children can include them in their play or a friend can bring then to her friend in hospital or they can be part of a larger home decoration.  Sometimes people require tailored jewellery. Often ladies require that their Sisucellu necklace has the same colour as her dress and the longitude of the necklace is also important.  We produce jewellery products flawless according to our customer’s demand.

Sisucellu Jewellery with bright colours ameliorate a person’s possibilities to be noticed. Jewellery made of microcellulose is completely reusable. If the person finds her microcellulose earrings obsolete, she could violently crash the earrings into small amount of water. First, she peels off the lacquer on top of the earrings. Then she can add colour in the sludge and when the water has evaporated enough, she can produce new ear rings for her. Nothing is lost as waste.

Your bright coloured microcellulose necklaces could give you invaluable safety in fire. Especially if you are covered with necklaces, they act as a fire retardant.

Microcellulose does not harm nature, because it originates from nature. You could cultivate plants on it such as there were soil. The production process of the Greenbutton’s products does not side produce any waste or pollution. Microcellulose dishes are produced at room temperature or maximum at 100 Celsius degrees. One principle and target in the circular economy is to produce products without waste and which could be circulated easily. Products made of cellulose fulfil these requirements.

Joulumessuilla tavataan

Greenbuttonin tuotteita voi ostaa myyntipöydältä Wanhassa Satamassa Katajanokalla 5. -9. 12. tämän viikon keskiviikosta sunnuntaihin. Myyntipöytä sijaitsee F-salissa. Wanha Satama on idyllinen paikka ja on jo siksikin ilo saada sieltä myyntipaikka.

Maa ei ole vielä valkoinen eikä taida ehtiä lumipeite jouluksikaan. Greenbutton-kynttiläalustat tuovat väriä ja valoa, kun kynttilän sytyttää.

Näin unta, jossa maan alta löytyi vanha kulunut pieni kangaspussi. Se oli suljettu nyörien avulla, mutta ne olivat hapertuneet rikki. Pussin väri oli sinertävä. Mietin, että oliko pussi ehkä satoja vuosia vanha. Olisiko sen sisällä rahaa tai jokin muu aarre. Vein pussin jonnekin, missä se varovasti avattiin. Pussin sisällä oli pieni ruskea sieni. Ihmettelin, miksi aikaisemmin eläneet ihmiset olivat laittaneet sienen talteen. Kiinnosti tosi paljon, kuinka vanha sieni oikeastaan oli. Sitä en kuitenkaan saanut unessa selville, sillä heräsin. Ehdin kuitenkin unissani pohtia, mikä ihmeen salaisuus sienessä oli, kun se oli tarvinnut piilottaa maan alle. Unessa päädyin siihen, että sienessä on vahva rakenne. Mietin herättyäni lisää, mikä ihmeen salaisuus voisi olla sienessä. Mietin, liittyykö sieni mitenkään Greenbuttoniin. Lopulta keksin tehdä mikroselluloosasta sieniä ja niin syntyivät Sisu-sienet.

Greenbutton lanseeraa messuilla myös sisustuskukat uutena tuotteena. Sisustuskukat ovat näyttäviä ja niitä voi itse sommitella erilaisiin paikkoihin omassa kodissaan.

joulupöydässä leikkeleet voi sijoittaa Greenbutton-kylmälevyn päälle. Kun levyä säilyttää jääkaapissa tai pakastimessa, se kylmenee ja pysyy kylmänä ja leikkeleet päällä myös. Tämä perustuu mikroselluloosan hyvään lämmöneristämiseen. Kuumat kattilat voi laskea Greenbutton-pannunalisen päälle.

Greenbutton on kehittänyt käytännölliset, mutta samalla kauniit Sisucellu-koukkuhelmet. Helmissä on kiinnityskoukku mukana ja siihen voi kiinnittää vaikkapa avaimensa.

Nähdään Wanhassa Satamassa ja minä kerron lisää Greenbuttonin tuotteista!

terveisin, Saila

Sisu-nukke tulppaanissa

Greenbuttonin kevät

Greenbutton Oy  valmistautuu kevääseen ja tuo markkinoille uusia tuotteita. Tuotteiden markkinat kasvavat sekä määrällisesti että alueellisesti. Erityisesti postikorttien myynti on kasvanut jyrkästi ylöspäin. Kauimmaiset asiakkaat ovat löytyneet Yhdysvalloista ja Kanadasta Etsy-palvelun kautta. Kivijalkamyymälän tai esittelytilan tarve pitäisi jossain vaiheessa toteuttaa. Kesällä asia hoituu myynnillä Helsingin kauppatorilla.

Saila Sepon taidenäyttely Ava Galleriassa 19.4.-7.5. Kutsu

Galleriassa myydään muutakin kuin värikkäitä reliefitauluja. Sieltä löytyy Sisu-nukkeja, helmiä, rannerenkaita, korvakoruja, kulhoja kolmessa koossa ja muutakin. Postikortteissa näkyy kuvia sisuista ja taiteesta.

Sisu muovailumassa

Greenbutton lanseeraa ylpeänä tässä kuussa aivan uuden Sisu muotoilumassan Kädentaito-messuilla Helsingin messukeskuksessa 21.-23.4. osastolla 7bb139.  Massa on tehty mikroselluloosasta kuten Greenbuttonin muutkin tuotteet. Massa tuntuu käsissä miellyttävältä ja sitä saa kymmenessä eri värissä. Eri värisiä massoja voi laittaa samaan työhönsä ja värit pysyvät puhtaina omilla alueillaan. Työ kuivuu huoneen lämpötilassa, mutta jos on kiire voi sen kuivattaa maksimissaan 150 °C:ssa niin se kuivuu nopeammin. Pienemmät työt kuivuvat nopeammin ja suuret työt hitaammin kuten on luonnollistakin. Kun massan haluaa käyttää uudelleen, sen voi murskata pieneen määrään vettä. On oltava tarkkana, ettei laita liikaa vettä. Jos vettä on ylen määrin, massa saattaa sanamukaisesti hukkua siihen. Jos kaikki massat menevät sekaisin eikä eri värisiä osioita pysty erottamaan erilleen, voi massan pestä valkeaksi ja värjätä se uudelleen jollain sopivalla värillä. Saila Seppo vetää kädentaito-messuilla työpajan joka päivä väreistä ja muovailusta.IMG_3927

Sisu palikat ja Sisu klipit

Kädentaitomessuilla esitellään myös Sisu palikat kuten Sisu klipitkin, jotka on tehty Sisu muovailumassasta. Pyöreitä Sisu palikoita löytyy monen kokoisia ja niistä voi rakentaa torneja tai niiden avulla voi opetella kertotaulua tai niillä voi tehdä mitä vain haluaa. Niitä voi käyttää yhdessä sisu muovailumassan kanssa tai Sisu palikan voi murskata pieneen vesimäärään ja käyttää sitten muovailumassana.

Sisu klippejä on valmistettu yhtä kokoa kuitenkin pienin vaihteluin. Klipit ovat pieniä pyöreitä palikoita, joita löytyy monissa eri väreissä. Klipeistä voi helposti koota isompia rakennelmia. Kun klipin kastaa kosteaan sieneen ja painaa sen yhteen toiseen klippiin, ne liimautuvat toisiinsa. On hyvä painaa klippejä toisiaan vasten jonkin aikaa, jotta ne kiinnittyvät toisiinsa. Pieniä klippejä voi liittää toisiinsa monin tavoin ja rakentaa vaikka mitä.


Greenbuttonin tuotepaletissa lapsia kiinnostavia tuotteita ovat ainakin Sisu nuket ja Sisu muovailumassa ja Sisu palikat sekä Sisu klipit.


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