Category Archives: muovailumassa

Greenbutton’s Easter blog

Greenbutton’s Easter blog

Easter is knocking on the door this year as well. We are excited about the moving Easter, on which dates it will be set every year. Namely, we were born in April and we remember miserable birthdays on Good Friday; the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This time our birthday is gloriously on Easter Sunday; on the day of resurrection.

There are many other things associated with Easter, such as chicks and eggs and willow cats. Sisu figurines are enthusiastic party people and they are like that at Easter too. The yellow Easter Sisus have feathers, as shown in the picture. Sisu dolls sit in a cup made of Sisusavi® with eggs made of Sisusavi.

Yellow is the color of Easter. We noticed that the yellow necklaces were sold out and we needed to make more yellow jewelry. We used cadmium yellow as the color, but of course not cadmium itself, but a color copy made of safe substances. Mannequin doll with a head made of Sisusavi®. put on the yellow jewelry. The bracelet fits her slender neck.

A miracle happened and we were surprised

We have been interviewed in a magazine and there is an article about the light Sisusavi® material coming soon. After the interview, I put one cup made of Sisusavi® in the Miele dishwasher. We put in a normal washing tablet and chose the 65 C program, which lasted 55 minutes. We were excited and afraid, because the development of the cup is just at the beginning and the industrial production of the cup will certainly make the cup of better quality. However, a miracle happened and the cup survived the dishwasher.

Art exhibition in Helsinki 5.5. – 21.5.

At the moment we are mostly working for the art exhibition at Gallery Ars Longa, Annankatu 12. The opening is 4.5. at 5 p.m., everyone is welcome!

The art gallery exhibits many never-before-seen paintings with new insights. We have come up with lampshades for the window and ceiling of the Gallery. The picture shows the wings, which were made from the cardboard tags of tea bags to paint them in different colors.

We went to Kiasma and saw Mia Parika’s wooden statues. We noticed an armless girl who had been split in half. The statue showed the characteristic cracking of wood when drying. We got the idea to test Sisusavi® to see if it behaves like wood. We made a smaller doll. We first made the legs and dried them in the microwave so that they hardened a little. Then we made the middle part of the statue and dried it in the microwave as well. We glued the legs and the middle part to each other and produced the head. We also dried it in the microwave first and then glued it to the middle part. The doll is seen in the picture, and without any split.

Order from France

There have been orders for jewelry and the latest order is from France. We sent the earrings there and fortunately we were able to send them in a letter. Sending larger products by post costs a lot in relation to the price of the products. In addition to France, some jewelry and Sisu figurines have been ordered for the United States, Canada, Germany, Italy and Belgium. Of course, the most orders have been to Finland.

Happy Easter everyone!

Cellulose can also be used in food. Tasty moments at Easter tables!

A light-weighted cup made of Sisusavi full of tea

Sisusavi is a light material

Today we listened to the European Union’s research priorities and proposals from different countries. Germany and Sweden in particular highlight an important need for the future: lightweight materials. Light materials reduce energy consumption, for example in transportation. Sisusavi® can be used to make dishes so light that a gentle breeze will carry them along.

Greetings from Helsinki handicraft fair, where we presented Sisusavi® for the first time. Many interesting contacts were made there. The fair gave ideas into the development of Greenbutton’s products.

Sisus clay is suitable for small children, as it is easy to shape and does not harm if eaten. Depending on their age, the child can modify the colorless Sisusavi® and then dry it in room air. Dry parts can be glued together with Erikeeper and painted with watercolors or whatever colors small children use.

Indoor clay is suitable for adults and especially for those who know clay. At the fair, we heard how attached they were to clay. You can make a clay pot light when you mix paper in, and the paper burns off in the oven. You can also make the interior clay lighter, if you can leave air pockets inside the material.

A cup made of Sisusavi® does not break when dropped on the floor. However, we did not drop cups on the floor at the fair. We heard from somewhere in the distance that something had broken. The sound of the chips can be heard even further away, so breaking the glass cannot be done in secret.

A cup made of Sisusavi® either with a mold or a pottery wheel does not need an oven but dries at room temperature. If you build your work from several parts, the small pieces dry faster. Wood glue Erikeeper is very suitable for wet or dry gluing to Sisusavi®. We have tried coloring a dry object with watercolors, acrylic colors, liquid markers, oil colors and watercolor colors.

The object can be varnished with wood varnish and probably also with nail varnish, as one fair guest suggested.

One visitor to the fair thought that Sisusavi® does not have a completely flat surface. Yes, you can, as you can see in the pictures. The cellulose in the inner clay is a thousand or a hundred thousand times smaller than the millimeter-sized particles. In that respect, it is easy to believe that it will be even. 

When an adult does very precise work on Sisusavi®, it’s worth practicing and finding a new route to success. Sisusavi® is a completely new material and nobody knows much about it yet, what it can do.

At the fair many picked up the dishes and were amazed at their lightness. When the cups were in the hands of many people, we thought to wash them properly. So, we washed them with Fairy and rinsed well afterwards. We put the cups to dry in the dish drying cabinet.

The cups dried quickly, and we thought of drinking tea from them. It is good to drink hot tea from these cups because the material insulates heat transfer. The cup does not feel too hot in the hand.

The cups made of Sisusavi® are really light and sturdy. The cup can carry a large load. We compared Arabia’s Arctica coffee cup with one made from Sisusavi®, and the cup made from Sisusavi® was 72% lighter. Arctica weighed 113 grams and the cup made of Sisusavi® weighed 31 grams. Lightweight materials are the materials of the future.

The trend is towards light materials. Around the world, large sums of money are invested in the research of lightweight materials.

Sisusavi® already exists, although lightness is only now being announced more.

The year of Sisusavi begins

The new year 2023 kicked off with an order of one helmet and white earrings with two balls due to the interest inspired by the brilliance of the white color. So we needed to learn how to manufacture earrings with two balls and we managed to make them in different colors, including earrings with Ukraine colors.

Sisusavi is chosen as this year’s word. The small, thin-edged cups made from it can support at least more than 500 times the weight of their own mass. The thin-walled cups handmade with a mold from it are ready at once and varnished with food-safe varnish on the inside and environmentally friendly varnish on the outside. This way you can drink water or something else from them.

From the point of view of the circular economy, Sisusavi is the optimal material as it can always be reused. It is a completely natural substance and it is possible to mix it with soil. It consists of microcellulose, which is found in all plants.

Climate change is curbed in the form of dishes made from Sisusavi, because they do not need to be put in the oven like clay dishes, which are heated to a temperature of 1230 °C. The energy saving is enormous, which is also reflected in the economy.

The Belgian visual artist Hans Op de Beeck got tired of the perpetual whiteness of limestone and as we see in Amos Rex’s Silent Parade, that the new material and color tone have been carefully chosen. But it is sustainable to use Sisusave. It can easily be painted with a brush in different colors as desired. Sisusavi can also be colored through and, for example, shaped into different objects using a pottery wheel.

You can extract the new dye from the plants and use it to color the Sisu clay so that no dye is wasted. We have made beads with earthy colors extracted from plants. Each bead of the beads is handmade and twice varnished. The beads of the wooden beads are round, but they are boringly machine-made and their colors do not reproduce as well as in Sisucellu beads. We know a lot about pigments since we did a thesis dissertation on it.

We saw Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto’s work at Amos Rex’s underground exhibition and his works were scented with spice powders. That gave us the idea to make scented Christmas balls, but we made the scent without spice powders, because we only needed the scent. We are constantly developing something new.

Sisusavi is safe, because you can eat it and we do eat it often.

The circular economy is a lifelong process. We dismantled thousands of tea bags and got the filter cloths we need for making beads. We used the string from the tea bag as strings for the Christmas balls. The string is strong and, in the summer, we used it when we supported the tomato seedlings on a stick. As a gardener’s daughter, we know plants and now we fertilize plants with tea leaves that we get from bags. There is a cardboard holder at the end of the string of the tea bag, which we did not find a purpose at first. When we made the new painting, we made trees with leaves made from tea bag cardboard.

The feeling of significance increases when you make something concrete with your hands. People want to shape and make their own unique objects. At the Helsinki craft fair on March 4-5, we will sell Sisusavi so that people can try it.

I hope this year will be better and we will be able to do new things after the war in Ukraine and covid.


Sisu-nukke tulppaanissa

Greenbuttonin kevät

Greenbutton Oy  valmistautuu kevääseen ja tuo markkinoille uusia tuotteita. Tuotteiden markkinat kasvavat sekä määrällisesti että alueellisesti. Erityisesti postikorttien myynti on kasvanut jyrkästi ylöspäin. Kauimmaiset asiakkaat ovat löytyneet Yhdysvalloista ja Kanadasta Etsy-palvelun kautta. Kivijalkamyymälän tai esittelytilan tarve pitäisi jossain vaiheessa toteuttaa. Kesällä asia hoituu myynnillä Helsingin kauppatorilla.

Saila Sepon taidenäyttely Ava Galleriassa 19.4.-7.5. Kutsu

Galleriassa myydään muutakin kuin värikkäitä reliefitauluja. Sieltä löytyy Sisu-nukkeja, helmiä, rannerenkaita, korvakoruja, kulhoja kolmessa koossa ja muutakin. Postikortteissa näkyy kuvia sisuista ja taiteesta.

Sisu muovailumassa

Greenbutton lanseeraa ylpeänä tässä kuussa aivan uuden Sisu muotoilumassan Kädentaito-messuilla Helsingin messukeskuksessa 21.-23.4. osastolla 7bb139.  Massa on tehty mikroselluloosasta kuten Greenbuttonin muutkin tuotteet. Massa tuntuu käsissä miellyttävältä ja sitä saa kymmenessä eri värissä. Eri värisiä massoja voi laittaa samaan työhönsä ja värit pysyvät puhtaina omilla alueillaan. Työ kuivuu huoneen lämpötilassa, mutta jos on kiire voi sen kuivattaa maksimissaan 150 °C:ssa niin se kuivuu nopeammin. Pienemmät työt kuivuvat nopeammin ja suuret työt hitaammin kuten on luonnollistakin. Kun massan haluaa käyttää uudelleen, sen voi murskata pieneen määrään vettä. On oltava tarkkana, ettei laita liikaa vettä. Jos vettä on ylen määrin, massa saattaa sanamukaisesti hukkua siihen. Jos kaikki massat menevät sekaisin eikä eri värisiä osioita pysty erottamaan erilleen, voi massan pestä valkeaksi ja värjätä se uudelleen jollain sopivalla värillä. Saila Seppo vetää kädentaito-messuilla työpajan joka päivä väreistä ja muovailusta.IMG_3927

Sisu palikat ja Sisu klipit

Kädentaitomessuilla esitellään myös Sisu palikat kuten Sisu klipitkin, jotka on tehty Sisu muovailumassasta. Pyöreitä Sisu palikoita löytyy monen kokoisia ja niistä voi rakentaa torneja tai niiden avulla voi opetella kertotaulua tai niillä voi tehdä mitä vain haluaa. Niitä voi käyttää yhdessä sisu muovailumassan kanssa tai Sisu palikan voi murskata pieneen vesimäärään ja käyttää sitten muovailumassana.

Sisu klippejä on valmistettu yhtä kokoa kuitenkin pienin vaihteluin. Klipit ovat pieniä pyöreitä palikoita, joita löytyy monissa eri väreissä. Klipeistä voi helposti koota isompia rakennelmia. Kun klipin kastaa kosteaan sieneen ja painaa sen yhteen toiseen klippiin, ne liimautuvat toisiinsa. On hyvä painaa klippejä toisiaan vasten jonkin aikaa, jotta ne kiinnittyvät toisiinsa. Pieniä klippejä voi liittää toisiinsa monin tavoin ja rakentaa vaikka mitä.


Greenbuttonin tuotepaletissa lapsia kiinnostavia tuotteita ovat ainakin Sisu nuket ja Sisu muovailumassa ja Sisu palikat sekä Sisu klipit.


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